Monday 5 October 2020

Steps: How to create your EC2 instance from AWS console?

 1) After Sign-in , Welcome to AWS Management Console.

2) Write EC2 in Find services, select it from the list shown. 

3) This is the page, we get

4) Click on instance in from the left panel.

5) Click on Launch instance button.

6)This page is available after that which shows various Amazon Machine Image.

7) In this , "Ubuntu server " is being selected for creating instance. Following page is available from we can choose Free tier instance type.

8) Click on Configure Instance Details. Following page is available.(Here default value is selected).

9) Then , click on Add Storage(Here, also value taken as default value)

10) Click to Add tag, Following page is available. 

11) In the Name column : write "Type" and in value column write: "Demo". The two tick  marks of blue color is visible towards right.

12) Then, Click on "Configure Security Group" button.

13)Following page is visible to us:

14) In the above page, In Security Group Name, "Demo" is given as value. Protocol  is TCP, and Port Range is 22.

15) Then, Click on "Review and Launch" button. 

16) Following page is seen:

17) On the above page confirm all the parameters of : 

AMI Details

Instance Type

Security Groups

Instance Details



18)  Then, Click on Launch.

19) The dialog box came, asking for "Selecting an existing key pair  or create a new key pair" 

20) Here, "Create a new key pair"  is selected and Key Pair Name given is "Demo".

21) Download the Key Pair, and Click on "Launch Instance".

22) Finally got the following page:

23) It will take few seconds to create an instance, and there will be a tick mark that the instance is launching. Then Click on the instance.(marked by black pen)

24) Finally , instance is created and is running.

25) Instance summary is as follows:

26) Then Go for Putty, and copy the public IPV4 address, in the address asked and for login: write "ubuntu".
27) So, finally an EC2 instance is created.


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