Thursday 3 December 2020



Cloud Computing is an IT paradigm where there are number of Cloud Providers and number of Cloud Users. These Cloud providers provide the services to the cloud users according to their demand. The services are in the form of Infrastructure as a service , platform  as a service and software as  a service. So, there are number of resources that are being shared among the users provided by the cloud providers. 
Thus, task scheduling and resource management are important  for keeping balance in the cloud environment.
Here, comes the concept of load balancing . There are multiple tasks or requests by the users which need to be executed by the number of servers. The point here is which task should be mapped with which server and the constraint is no server or machine get overloaded or underloaded. 
Here, overloaded means that server already have lots of tasks to execute and if some other tasks come for execution, the processor is already busy and will delayed the execution whereas underloaded servers are the where the processor of the server is ideal.

Some of the resources that can be load balanced are: 
  • Network interfaces & services such as DNS, FTP & HTTP.
  • Processing through computer system assignment.
  • Access to application instances.
  • Connection through intelligent switches.
  • Resources of storage.

Monday 5 October 2020

Steps: How to create your EC2 instance from AWS console?

 1) After Sign-in , Welcome to AWS Management Console.

2) Write EC2 in Find services, select it from the list shown. 

3) This is the page, we get

4) Click on instance in from the left panel.

5) Click on Launch instance button.

6)This page is available after that which shows various Amazon Machine Image.

7) In this , "Ubuntu server " is being selected for creating instance. Following page is available from we can choose Free tier instance type.

8) Click on Configure Instance Details. Following page is available.(Here default value is selected).

9) Then , click on Add Storage(Here, also value taken as default value)

10) Click to Add tag, Following page is available. 

11) In the Name column : write "Type" and in value column write: "Demo". The two tick  marks of blue color is visible towards right.

12) Then, Click on "Configure Security Group" button.

13)Following page is visible to us:

14) In the above page, In Security Group Name, "Demo" is given as value. Protocol  is TCP, and Port Range is 22.

15) Then, Click on "Review and Launch" button. 

16) Following page is seen:

17) On the above page confirm all the parameters of : 

AMI Details

Instance Type

Security Groups

Instance Details



18)  Then, Click on Launch.

19) The dialog box came, asking for "Selecting an existing key pair  or create a new key pair" 

20) Here, "Create a new key pair"  is selected and Key Pair Name given is "Demo".

21) Download the Key Pair, and Click on "Launch Instance".

22) Finally got the following page:

23) It will take few seconds to create an instance, and there will be a tick mark that the instance is launching. Then Click on the instance.(marked by black pen)

24) Finally , instance is created and is running.

25) Instance summary is as follows:

26) Then Go for Putty, and copy the public IPV4 address, in the address asked and for login: write "ubuntu".
27) So, finally an EC2 instance is created.


Tuesday 29 September 2020



1) Login to AWS Console.

2) AWS MANAGEMENT CONSOLE will be seen like this.

3) At the top right corner where your name is written click on that, from t

hat drop down menu select "MY BILLING DASHBOARD".

4) Following page will come:

As expenditure is zero so here is 0$.



7) After that you are able to see the link "MANAGE BILLING ALERTS" ,with the "RECIEVE BILLING ALERTS"; Click on that.

8) It takes you to the "CLOUD WATCH" service page.

9) On the left side menu is the alarms section click on that , and then on billing section.

10) It will take  you to "billing alarm" page, set the threshold as for example as "1 USD" , it will give the notification if you exceed this limit.

11) in  a "SEND A NOTIFICATION TO " box write the email address where the notification will be mailed .

12) Click on "CREATE ALARM" button.

13) As soon as you click the alarm button, it will confirm new email address. 

14) Then you have to move to the email account and click on confirm subscription.

15) It will confirm the subscription and is shown AWS console also with the green tick mark.

16) Then, Click on VIEW ALARM.

17) Finally an alarm is set, which states that if the usage goes beyond 1 USD it will notify at a defined email address.




Friday 25 September 2020


Google, I think all over the world, this word is known to everybody. This is not just the word this is everything nowadays. You are using Google on Mobiles, on laptops, ipads, iphones, everywhere. We all are familiar with Google search engine, GMail, You tube, etc which have become a part of our life. But did anybody think that what is the base of running Google search engine, GMail, You tube and other services. The answer for the question is  GCE(Google Compute Engine. GCE is actually the infrastructure as a service component of GCP(Google Cloud Platform) which is built on global infrastructure that runs all the services of Google like GMail, Youtube, etc. The main point here to notice that GCE enables the clients or users to launch virtual machines on demand. 

Following are the unique features of compute engine 


  • Sustained Usage Discounts
  • Pre-emptible VMs
  • Custom VM Sizes
  • Online Disk Resizing
  • Shared Storage.
The usefulness of compute engine is that it allows clients or users to use powerful virtual machines in a cloud as the server resources, instead of acquiring and managing a hardware. 
So summarizing this, Compute Engine can help to create and run thousands of virtual machine(vCPUs) on a single system that too providing scaling, and consistent performance.
For complete documentation on Google compute engine prefer the site:

Sunday 20 September 2020

Mobile Cloud Computing

 "Mobile Cloud Computing" term  itself denotes as it is a combination of two concepts that is cloud computing and mobile networks. When the advantages of both merged up we get a new concept known as Mobile Cloud Computing.

This new emerging technology helps to bring benefits for mobile users, network providers, and mobile networks.

Can you imagine, how many people instead of using PCs, preferred to use smart phones for maximum work. This is due to mobile devices are more compact and comfortable to use; and the most important thing is internet is now accessible on mobile devices too.  

So, mobile devices are preferred over PC. Even now a days small start ups and businesses are also dependent on these mobile devices. So, if these mobile networks when combine with the cloud computing concepts, the user able to get the infrastructure, platform and software, anywhere, everywhere and anytime. 

Main reasons for using this mobile cloud computing are :

1) It helps to easily share the content and assets.

2) It also helps to easily maintain  the data

3) It also handles and tolerate the crashes and deletion of data

4) Most important is cloud computing is the main part brain of this concept

In actual terms, Mobile Cloud Computing is the infrastructure where the processing and storage of data is done outside the mobile devices.

Some of the characteristics of mobile cloud computing are:

1) Scalability  2) Reliability  3) Security  4) Reduced cost  5) Reduced Maintenance

Mobile Cloud Computing  architecture is as follows:

Applications of Mobile Cloud Computing are:
1) improves reliability
2) security
3) Processing speed  and data storage capacity increases
4) It also helps in increasing battery life of mobile devices
5) improves availability

Sunday 13 September 2020

CLOUD BIGTABLE: NO SQL Database service

Can you imagine how Google power there core services :Search, Maps,Analytics and Gmail? I think we can't even imagine this.
The powerful tool used is known as "CLOUD BIGTABLE" by Google.
CLOUD BIGTABLE ( is a sparsely populated table that can scale to billions of rows and thousands of columns, enabling you to store terabytes or even petabytes of data. As in Bigtable the data is stored in the rows and columns , so each value is entered in a single cell and is called row key.
Basically this Cloud Bigtable can be used for map-reducing operations or we can for analysis purposes.
Also, the value that can be entered in a single cell must not be larger than 10 MB.
Following are the types of data that can be stored and can be queried:
  • Time-series data: These are the type of data that includes the CPU and memory usage over time for multiple servers.
  • Marketing data: These are the data that includes what are the customer's preferences and the history what he had purchased earlier.
  • Financial data: These are the data that includes mainly stock prices, transaction histories and currency exchange rates.
  • Internet of Things data: These are the data that includes mainly your reports that how much amount of energy is consumed by the home appliances or office appliances.
  • Graph data: These are the data that includes the information about how users are connected to one another.
                   Figure : CLOUD BIGTABLE
The above figure shows the architecture of CLOUD BIGTABLE . In the above figure, there are some points to notice:
1) there are number of nodes that are actually a cluster of nodes that are called a Cloud Bigtable instance, that is a container for cluster. 
2)All the requests coming from the client are sent to the Cloud Bigtable node but first have to pass through front end server.
3) A Cloud Bigtable is divided into the blocks of contiguous rows also known as tablets. These tablets are stored on colossus, Google's file system in SSTable format.
4)  Along with the SSTable files, all writes are stored in Colossus's shared log as soon as they are acknowledged by Cloud Bigtable, providing increased durability.
5) Also, the data is never stored in Cloud Bigtable Node, each  node has the pointers to the set of the tablets that are stored on colossus.
6) If by chance Cloud Bigtable node fails, then the data is not lost.

Saturday 12 September 2020

Cloud SQL: "A Database or A Service of Google Cloud?"


Google helps us to manage our database fully. We can totally focus on our applications. For this "Cloud SQL" is a good solution .It is a fully-managed database service that helps us to easily set up, maintain and administer our relational PostgreSQL and MySQL databases in the cloud.

 It offers high performance, vertical scalability, and convenience.

You can try on "Cloud SQL" for free using the following site  " ".

If hosted on Google Cloud Platform, Cloud SQL will help you to provide database infrastructure for the applications running anywhere.

Mainly Cloud SQL is good for E-Commerce Applications, CRM tools, Word Press sites etc. It can also be used for the applications that are compatible with PostgreSQL and My SQL. Plus point of this is that , everything is automated that are all backups, replication, patches and updates.Even in this our data is automatically encrypted also. 

Key Features of Cloud SQL are as follows:

1) Scalability: Cloud SQL has the property of scalability as it can easily scale up to 64 processor core and 400 GB  RAM.

2) Integrated: It means Cloud SQL has the ability to integrate with any application whenever required irrespective of the geographical location. It can easily connect from App Engine, Compute Engine, and our workstation.

3) High Performance: This feature says that Cloud SQL can tackle small workloads to high intensive workloads.

4) Security :As I said earlier every data is automatically encrypted in Cloud SQL.So Cloud SQL customer's data is totally encrypted either it is backup, data in the databases, temporary files etc.

5) Fully managed :Saving time as backups, replication and management is taken care of automatically.

Such a great service by Google Cloud!!!!!!

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                                                                        Cloud Computing is an IT paradigm where there are number of Cloud Pr...