Monday 27 January 2020

Interview Questions PART 4

Q1) What do you mean by virtual networking?
Ans-Virtual Networking is a technology that helps to communicate among different virtual machines or virtual servers or other related components, in a virtual environment.

Q2) What are some examples of cloud services?
Ans- Amazon EC2- Virtual IT
         Google AppEngine -Application hosting
         Apple iCloud- Network storage
         DigitalOCean -Servers (IaaS/PaaS)
         Google Apps and Microsoft Office Online -SaaS

Q3) What is VDI?
Ans-VDI is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure which helps in desktop virtualization, which hosts desktop environment on the central server. With VDI, hypervisors work the same way as the server virtualization does. VDI software is a pool of virtual desktops.

Q4) What is fault tolerance?
Ans-Fault tolerance is a property which says that if any or some of the component fail but still a system is performing correctly.

Q5) What is Openstack technology?
Ans-Openstack is open-source software that helps to deploy and manage cloud infrastructure as a service IAAS. It supports both public and private cloud deployment.

Q6) Explain Cloud Service Model.
Ans- Cloud Service Model mainly have three services:

Q7) What are the different data types used in cloud computing?
Ans-Boolean, Number, Email, text, data, images, contracts, decimals, etc.

Q8) What is the difference between Cloud Computing and Mobile Computing?
Mobile Computing
Cloud Computing
User-facing technology
Company-facing technology
Use wireless service to transmit data
Use wireless service to transmit data
Relates to the emergence of new technology or devices and interfaces.
Relates to the services that are provided to the users over the distributed network.
The function includes accessing the internet connection through browsers, also support different application on the same core operating system.
The function includes the IT services in the form of IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, provided to the user by the different vendors according to the user’s requirement.

Q9) What are the examples of large cloud providers and databases?
Ans- Google Big Table
         Amazon SimpleDB
         Cloud-Based SQL

Q10) Why would a cloud provider does not divulge the location of their data?
Ans-Due to privacy issues, as the resources in cloud computing, is shared among the number of users so the data leakage is somewhat the main issue. So, the cloud providers would not divulge the location of their data.


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