Friday 24 January 2020

Interview Questions PART 2

Q1) What is Cloud?
Ans- A Cloud is an association of services, network, hardware, storage and interfaces that deliver services to the users. There are three types of users: Individual users, Business users, Cloud Service Provider.

Q2) What is the difference between cloud computing and grid computing?
Cloud Computing
Grid Computing
Client-Server Computing Architecture
Distributed Computing Architecture
Resources are used in centralized pattern
Resources are used in collaborative pattern
Users pay for use
Users don’t pay for use
It is totally dependent on internet.
If any of the nodes stops performing than other systems will take responsibility for the task to execute.
Scalability is high.
Scalability is normal.
Hardware and software platforms are virtualized.
Data and Computing Resources are virtualized.
On-Demand Computing
Maximum Computing
Centralized User Management
Decentralized User Management

Q3) What is the difference between virtualization and cloud computing?
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing provides the IT services in the form of IAAS, PAAS, SAAS based on virtualization to the users.
Virtualization splits the hardware from the physical machine into the number of instances on a single server.
In Cloud Computing number of virtualized infrastructure resources, services are pooled together to give the services to the user in such a way that everything should be orchestrated.
Software is known as Hypervisor used to split physical machines into the number of virtual machines.
It is a methodology.
It is technology.

Q4) What are the different models of the deployment model?
Ans- Public Cloud
         Private Cloud
         Hybrid Cloud
         Community Cloud

Q5) What is the full form of  EUCALYPTUS?
Ans- Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems.

Q6) What is the use of EUCALYPTUS?
Ans- EUCALYPTUS is an open-source infrastructure software in cloud computing. It is used to build all types of clouds that are public, private and hybrid clouds.It is used to implement clusters in the cloud computing platform. It is used to produce our own data center into a private cloud.

Q7) Name some open-source Cloud Computing platforms Databases.
Ans- MongoDB
         Couch DB
         Lucid DB

Q8) What is the difference between cloud and traditional data centers?
Ans- Traditional data center is on on-premise-hardware whereas Cloud is on off-premise hardware.
      Cloud stores your data either in public cloud or private cloud where as in traditional data centers          the data is stored in our own hardware.

Q9) What do you mean by Containers?
Ans- A Container is a software which consists of all the codes and its dependencies such that application run as fast as possible without any intervention and the benefit is that the application can run on any platform.

Q10) What do you mean by Deadline in cloud computing?

Ans-Deadline in cloud computing mainly is for the tasks of the workflows.Each task is defined with the deadline that it must be executed with in this time limit.

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